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Unable to sign up for the First Five?
Some district firewalls may block our signup form. If you encounter this issue:
Refresh the page.
If refreshing doesn't work, consider signing up via a personal device or mobile phone.
Haven't received the First Five?
We send the First Five out every morning at 7am EST. If you have signed up today, you will receive your first edition tomorrow morning. If 24 hours have passed:
Inspect your spam, junk, promotions, or “other” folders. Our emails might get marked by your organization's filters.
Verify your barracuda or other spam filters and authorize our emails if quarantined.
Request your IT team to whitelist the First Five email - firstfive@edtomorrow.org or edtomorrow.com and edtomorrow.org domains.
If you're still facing issues, get in touch with us at info@edtomorrow.com.
My daily First Five emails stopped coming
Inspect your spam, junk, promotions, or “other” folders. Our emails might get marked by your organization's filters.
Verify your barracuda or other spam filters and authorize our emails if quarantined.
Request your IT team to whitelist the First Five email - firstfive@edtomorrow.org or edtomorrow.com and edtomorrow.org domains.
If you're still facing issues, get in touch with us at info@edtomorrow.com.
Have a brilliant suggestion for the First Five?
We're all ears! Share your idea with us at First Five Ideas.
Experiencing blank content in the First Five?
This can occasionally occur due to weak network connectivity. Kindly refresh the page or be patient as it loads.